No Code Trends Shaping 2024

published on 21 April 2024

As we head into 2024, no code technology is transforming how we create and use apps, making it accessible for everyone, not just programmers. Here’s a quick look at the key trends:

  • Widespread adoption in big companies: They're using no code to speed up app development and digital transformation.
  • Rise of citizen developers: Regular employees are building apps, with 80% of no-code users expected to be non-IT professionals by 2024.
  • Integration with advanced technologies: No code platforms are incorporating AI, IoT, and blockchain, making sophisticated app development possible for anyone.
  • Specialized platforms for industries: Expect platforms tailored for healthcare, finance, and manufacturing, with built-in compliance and industry-specific features.
  • Enhanced security and governance: As adoption grows, so does the focus on strong security measures and proper management.
  • Comprehensive automation and AI-powered solutions: Around 70% of no-code platforms will offer features for automation and AI, allowing for smarter, self-operating apps.

These trends indicate that no code technology is not just staying; it's evolving, making app development faster, more cost-effective, and accessible to a broader range of people and businesses.

1. Increased Adoption by Enterprises

Adoption Rate

More and more big companies are starting to use no-code tools, with about 65% planning to spend money on these platforms in the next year. They're doing this because they want to make apps faster and help their businesses become more digital.

User Demographics

No-code isn't just for the tech teams anymore. People from all parts of a company are using no-code to create solutions. This helps everyone work together better and makes sure tech stuff matches up with business goals.

Technology Integration

No-code is getting better by working with other cool tech like AI, the internet of things (IoT), and blockchain. This makes it possible to build complex but flexible apps.

Industry Specialization

There will be no-code tools made just for certain industries like healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. These tools will have ready-made parts and designs that speed up making apps for these fields.

Security Features

Big companies need strong security, so no-code platforms are adding better security and ways to control who can do what. This helps keep everything safe and under control, especially when lots of people are making apps.

Automation and AI Capabilities

Adding things like robotic process automation (RPA), AI, and data analysis to no-code platforms will let companies automate more stuff. This means apps can be smarter, like offering personalized experiences or making predictions.

2. The Rise of Citizen Developers

Adoption Rate

Now, more people who aren't tech experts can make their own apps thanks to no code and low code tools. By 2024, it's expected that most users of these tools won't be professional coders.

User Demographics

These "citizen developers" could be anyone in a company, like people who work in marketing or operations. They use easy-to-understand tools that don't need much, if any, coding know-how, making it possible for more folks to build apps.

Technology Integration

These easy-to-use tools can now work with other tech like AI, automation software (RPA), and APIs. This means even without being a tech whiz, you can make apps that do smart things, like handle data or automate tasks.

Industry Specialization

There are now special tools just for certain jobs, like in healthcare or finance. These tools come with parts already made for that industry, making it quicker to build apps that fit right in.

Security Features

As more people start building apps, these tools are getting better at making sure everything stays safe and follows the rules. They're adding ways to control who can do what, keeping things secure.

Automation and AI Capabilities

No code and low code tools are getting even smarter, adding features for automation, AI, and analyzing data. This lets people without a tech background use some of the latest tech to make their apps do cool things like predict outcomes or personalize experiences.

3. Integration with Advanced Technologies

Adoption Rate

By 2024, most no code platforms will be able to work with high-tech stuff like AI, the internet of things (IoT), and blockchain. This means you can make more complex apps without needing to code.

User Demographics

These upgrades will attract more professional developers who want to speed up their work. People who aren't professional developers but want to make apps will find these platforms even more useful for creating smarter apps.

Technology Integration

  • AI & Machine Learning: Lets you make apps that can predict things, offer personalized tips, understand feelings, and more.
  • IoT: Connects apps to smart devices like fitness bands, cars, and home systems.
  • Blockchain: Adds features for handling digital money, tracking products, and checking credentials.

Industry Specialization

No code platforms will have special features for different jobs, like:

  • Banking/Finance: Checking for fraud, helping with investments, making sure rules are followed.
  • Healthcare: Keeping track of patient health, managing medicines, looking at medical images.
  • Retail: Managing stock, rewarding customers, and sending targeted ads.

Security Features

No code platforms will include top-notch security like:

  • Authentication: Checking who you are, using more than one way to log in.
  • Access Controls: Deciding who can see and do what.
  • Encryption: Keeping app data and messages safe.
  • Auditing: Keeping track of who does what.

Automation and AI Capabilities

No code platforms will use automation and AI for things like:

  • Making tasks simpler with robotic process automation (RPA).
  • Using machine learning to guess what might happen next.
  • Understanding and acting on human language.
  • Suggesting things people might like based on what others like.

This will make no code apps even better at doing tasks automatically, understanding data, and acting smart.

4. Specialized Platforms for Specific Industries

Adoption Rate

By 2024, we expect that about 7 out of 10 no-code platforms will be made just for certain areas like healthcare, making stuff, and dealing with money. This means companies in these fields can quickly make apps that fit what they need.

User Demographics

People like business analysts and folks who know a lot about specific processes in these fields will use these platforms. They'll get to use parts that are already set up for tasks they do a lot, like dealing with insurance stuff or keeping an eye on machines.

Technology Integration

These special platforms will use new tech like AI, stuff that connects to the internet (IoT), and blockchain to change how industries work:

  • AI to make medicine more personal
  • IoT sensors for tracking stuff in factories
  • Blockchain for secure deals in finance

Industry Specialization

Here are some types of apps they might make:

  • Healthcare: Keeping track of patient info, looking at medical pictures, handling bills.
  • Manufacturing: Watching over inventory and machines, knowing when things might break.
  • Finance: Spotting fraud, helping with money stuff, making sure rules are followed.

Security Features

Platforms for industries that have to be really careful with data, like healthcare and banking, will have strong security stuff like:

  • Really specific controls on who can see or do things
  • Making sure data is scrambled so only the right people can read it
  • Keeping logs of who does what for checking later
  • Working with systems companies already use to manage who gets in

Automation and AI Capabilities

These platforms will let you make apps that can:

  • Automate routine tasks to make things run smoother
  • Use data to make smart decisions
  • Talk to customers quickly with chatbots

5. Enhanced Security and Governance

Adoption Rate

By 2024, about 8 out of 10 no-code platforms will include built-in features for security and managing who gets to do what. This is important because it helps keep private information safe and makes sure the right people are in control as more folks without a tech background start building apps.

User Demographics

Both tech pros and regular users will get to use stronger security measures directly in the no-code tools they're working with. This means everyone can build apps fast without having to worry too much about security risks.

Technology Integration

No-code platforms will come with security stuff like checking who you are, controlling access, keeping data safe, and keeping track of what's happening. They'll also automatically check for security problems and make sure rules are followed.

Industry Specialization

No-code options made for specific fields like healthcare or banking will already meet the strict security rules those areas need.

Security Features

  • Two-step verification
  • Automatic checks for security weak spots
  • Detailed control over who can see or do things
  • Protecting data from end to end
  • Watching for unusual activity and sending warnings

Automation and AI Capabilities

  • AI will spot and flag weird behavior.
  • Robots will automatically look for security issues in new apps.
  • Systems will create reports on their own to show they're following the rules.

Making sure no-code platforms are safe and properly managed is going to be a big deal through 2024 and beyond. As more people start making apps, having strong security and control built into these tools becomes super important.

6. Comprehensive Automation and AI-Powered Solutions

Adoption Rate

By 2024, about 7 out of 10 no-code platforms will have features for automation and AI. This means these platforms will help make apps that can do tasks on their own or think like a human to some extent.

User Demographics

Not just tech experts, but also people like business analysts who usually don't code, will be able to create smart apps. They'll do this using simple drag-and-drop tools.

Technology Integration

Here are some tech bits that will help make smarter no-code apps:

  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): This helps with doing boring tasks automatically, like entering data or making reports.
  • AI & Machine Learning: These make apps smarter, like being able to guess what might happen next, offering tips, or understanding what you say.
  • Computer Vision: This lets apps understand pictures and videos.
  • Natural Language Processing: This helps apps get what people mean when they talk or write.

Industry Specialization

Different jobs will get special tools, like:

  • Marketing: Tools for figuring out which customers might be interested in something or sending messages that feel personal.
  • Finance: Tools for automatically making reports or guessing market trends.
  • Healthcare: Chatbots that talk naturally or tools to help understand medical images.

Security Features

  • Detailed control over who can use the automation and AI parts.
  • Always watching how the system works.
  • Checking AI to make sure it's fair.

Automation and AI Capabilities

No-code apps will be able to:

  • Do simple tasks on their own, like filling out forms.
  • Look at data and give advice based on what they find.
  • Talk or write back to people in a way that makes sense.
  • Notice patterns in pictures, videos, and documents.

This means anyone can add smart automation to their apps.

Increased Adoption by Enterprises

Big companies are really starting to get into using no code platforms. They see it as a way to change things up quickly and get ahead without getting bogged down in the usual tech development process. Here's a look at how things are changing:

Metric 2023 2024 Projection
Enterprise Adoption Rate 35% 65%

Driving Factors

Big companies are jumping on the no code bandwagon for a few reasons:

  • Need for Quick Changes: Companies have to keep up with fast changes in the market. No code lets them do this without a lot of hassle.
  • Going Digital: Companies are trying to make their operations more digital to stay relevant and serve customers better. No code helps make this switch easier.
  • Saving Money: Traditional coding takes a lot of time and people. No code can save companies a lot of money because they don't need as many developers.
  • Working Together Better: With no code, people who aren't tech experts can still help make apps. This means teams can work together better and make stuff that really helps the business.


Companies are getting more into no code because it helps them:

  • Get to Market Faster: They can launch new products quickly and stay ahead of the competition.
  • Be More Productive: Spending less time on coding means more time for other important work.
  • Cut Costs: No code means less money spent on development because you don't need a big team of coders.
  • Align with Business Goals: It's easier for everyone to help out and make sure what they're creating is what the business really needs.

With these perks, it's clear that more and more companies will be using no code by 2024.

The Rise of Citizen Developers

Citizen developers are regular employees who use no-code or low-code platforms to create apps. This trend is letting people all over a company help out with making new stuff, even if they're not tech experts.

Adoption Rate

A study by Gartner says that by 2026, about 80% of people using no-code or low-code tools will be citizen developers - that's folks who aren't in IT but can still make their own tech solutions.

Year % of Low-Code Users Who Are Citizen Developers
2023 65%
2024 Projection 80%

Driving Factors

What's making this trend take off:

  • Easy to Use: No-code and low-code tools are straightforward, with simple drag-and-drop setups that anyone can figure out.
  • Quick Changes: When regular staff can make their own tools, companies can switch things up faster.
  • More Work Done: IT folks get to focus on the big problems because others are handling the smaller tasks.


Why this is good:

  • New Ideas: Different points of view from across the company.
  • Less Waiting: People can sort out their own needs without waiting for IT.
  • Teamwork: Better working together between techy and non-techy people.


Things to watch out for:

  • Going Rogue: Without clear rules, people might make apps that are not needed or safe.
  • Learning Curve: Some might try to build things without the right skills, leading to not-so-great results.
  • Staying Safe: With more people making apps, it's important to keep an eye on who can do what.

With the right approach, citizen developers could really change how companies use technology, making it faster and easier for everyone to contribute by 2024.

Integration with Advanced Technologies

Adoption Rate

By 2024, more than 70% of no code platforms will be able to use AI, IoT, blockchain, and other fancy tech. This means even people who aren't coders can make complex and advanced apps.

Capability 2023 2024 Projection
AI/ML Integration 40% 75%
IoT Integration 35% 70%
Blockchain Integration 25% 60%

Driving Factors

Here's why this is happening:

  • Making app building open to more people - Using low-code tools with advanced tech lets more folks build cool solutions.
  • Doing more things automatically - These tech integrations help automate more stuff without needing to code.
  • Making apps do more - Combining simple app building with AI, IoT, and blockchain makes apps much smarter.
  • Changing how industries work - Mixing these technologies is shaking things up in many fields.


The good stuff about mixing advanced tech with low-code tools:

  • Make smarter apps quickly - You can create apps that think and connect to the internet of things faster.
  • Use new tech easily - You don't need to be a coding wizard to start using blockchain or AI.
  • Automate more stuff - Combine quick app making with smart automation.
  • Shake up industries - Change how things are done in finance, healthcare, and more with these new tools.


Some things to watch out for:

  • Handling the complexity - Mixing lots of technologies together can get tricky.
  • Keeping things secure - With more tech comes the need for better security and privacy.
  • Being clear - It's important that apps do what they say, especially when AI is involved.

With the right planning, using low-code tools with all this cool tech can lead to big changes in how we make and use apps by 2024.

AI and Machine Learning

By 2024, nearly 75% of no code platforms will let users make apps that can learn and make decisions. This includes:

Predictive analytics - Making apps that can guess what might happen next based on data.

Intelligent process automation - Creating apps that can do tasks usually done by humans.

Conversational interfaces - Making chatbots and voice helpers without needing to code.

Computer vision - Helping users make apps that understand photos and videos.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Around 70% of no code platforms will make it easy to connect apps to the internet of things by 2024. This includes:

Drag-and-drop IoT integrations - Easily link up with sensors and gadgets.

IoT-triggered events and workflows - Use data from sensors to make things happen in your app.

IoT data analytics - Quickly understand data from connected devices.

Cross-platform IoT app development - Make apps that work well with different devices and use IoT.


More than 60% of no code platforms will include some blockchain features by 2024. This will let users make apps that are secure and can't be messed with easily. You'll be able to:

Cryptographic security - Set up secure communication and data storage.

Decentralized workflows - Make apps that let many people work together in a trustworthy way.

Tokenization - Create digital assets like virtual money or items.

Product provenance tracking - Keep track of where goods come from and ensure they're genuine.


Specialized Platforms for Specific Industries

The no-code movement is now creating special tools for big areas like healthcare, finance, making things, and more.

Industry Focus in 2023 vs 2024

Industry 2023 Platforms 2024 Projections
Healthcare 15% 30%
Finance 10% 25%
Manufacturing & Logistics 5% 20%
Retail & eCommerce 8% 15%

Drivers of Specialization

Here's why more of these special no-code platforms are popping up:

  • Industry Compliance: Regular tools often can't handle the strict rules of areas like healthcare and finance. Special platforms make following these rules easier.
  • Customizability: These special tools can be tweaked to fit what different industries need better than the one-size-fits-all no-code tools.
  • Accelerated Development: These platforms have ready-to-use parts and connections for common tasks in these industries. This means you can make and start using apps faster.
  • Competitive Edge: Using these special no-code platforms helps businesses stand out by quickly making unique solutions.


By 2024, these special no-code platforms will offer:

  • Industry-Specific Templates: Pre-made parts for apps that are common in certain industries, like tools for managing patients in healthcare.
  • Compliance Features: Tools that help you easily meet industry rules, like HIPAA for healthcare or PCI DSS for finance.
  • Third-Party Integrations: These platforms can connect with other important systems easily, like EHR in healthcare or ERP in manufacturing.
  • Advanced Functionality: They're adding smart tech like AI, ML, IoT, and blockchain to make more advanced solutions for specific industries.
  • Flexible Scalability: You can adjust your solutions easily to handle more or less work as needed.


But there are some worries with these platforms:

  • Vendor Lock-in: Relying too much on one company's tools can limit your choices later.
  • Integration Challenges: It can be tricky to make these special solutions work smoothly with other systems.
  • Skill Gaps: It's hard to find people who know how to use these niche tools well.
  • Security Risks: Keeping up with strict security and rules in areas like healthcare and finance is always tough.

With the right planning and rules, these special no-code platforms can help businesses change and grow quickly.

Enhanced Security and Governance

No-code platforms are getting better at keeping things safe and under control. This is because more businesses are using these platforms and they want to make sure their apps are safe, follow the rules, and can be trusted.

Comparison of Security Features

Security Capability 2023 2024 Projection
Authentication Methods Basic (passwords) Multi-factor authentication
Encryption Transport layer encryption End-to-end encryption
Access Controls Basic role-based access Granular and context-aware controls
Auditing and Logging Basic activity logs Detailed audit trails w/ automated analysis
Testing Automation Manual testing Automated security testing integrated into platforms

Drivers of Enhanced Security

  • More big companies using no-code means they need top-notch security.
  • Apps made with no-code often deal with private info, so they have to be really secure.
  • Tough rules in many fields (like healthcare or finance) mean apps must be very secure.
  • Having good security helps users trust the apps more.

Projected Security Capabilities


No-code platforms will use stronger ways to check who you are, including:

  • Fingerprints or face recognition
  • Security keys (like a special USB)
  • Codes that you get for one-time use

This helps make sure only the right people can get into the app.

Authorization & Access Controls

They'll let you set really specific rules about who can see or do what, including:

  • Making rules that change based on the situation
  • Adjusting permissions when needed
  • Seeing clearly who did what and when

This makes sure people only see what they're supposed to.


Everything will be encrypted, which means:

  • Data is scrambled so only the right people can read it
  • It stays safe while moving from place to place
  • Even when it's being used in the app, it's protected

This keeps private info safe from hackers.

Security Testing Automation

There will be automatic checks for any security weaknesses, using:

  • Tests that look at the app's code
  • Tests that try to break into the app
  • Checking for risky parts in the app's code

Any problems found will be flagged for fixing.

Audit Trails

There will be detailed records of what users do and what happens in the system, which helps with:

  • Tracking who looked at or changed something
  • Keeping an eye on changes to the app
  • Recording system events

This is good for checking up on things internally and making sure the app follows rules.

Key Takeaways

As no-code gets more popular, especially in businesses that handle sensitive information, keeping apps safe is super important. Leading no-code platforms are adding stronger security features like better ways to check who you are, keeping data safe, and making sure only the right people can access certain information. They're also making it easier to keep track of what's happening and to follow rules.

Comprehensive Automation and AI-Powered Solutions

Adoption Rate

By 2024, about 7 out of 10 no-code platforms will let users add automation and AI. This means these tools will help create apps that can do things by themselves or make smart decisions almost like a person.

Capability 2023 2024 Projection
Task Automation 50% 70%
AI/ML Integration 40% 70%

Driving Factors

The reasons behind this trend are:

  • Making app creation open to everyone - So even if you're not a tech expert, you can build smart systems
  • Doing more with less effort - By automating the boring stuff, people can focus on more important work
  • Making smarter choices - With the help of data and insights, businesses can make better decisions
  • Customizing experiences - AI can help create services that are just right for each person


The good stuff about bringing automation and AI into no-code platforms:

  • Faster Work - Processes become smoother and less manual work is needed
  • Smart Decisions - Using data to help guide what a business does
  • Consistency - Making sure everything is done the same way every time with automation
  • New Ideas - Coming up with creative and smart apps that help businesses


Some things to think about:

  • Relying too much on automation might mean people lose some skills
  • AI could be unfair or biased if not used carefully
  • It might be tough to make complex automation work well across different apps or systems
  • Keeping an eye on automated tasks to make sure they're doing what they should

Projected Capabilities

By 2024, no-code tools will probably include:

Smart Process Help

  • Handling documents
  • Pulling out and looking at data
  • Making reports

Talking AI

  • Chatbots for talking to customers
  • Voice helpers for managing tasks
  • Understanding and responding in natural language

Seeing and Understanding

  • Looking at and understanding images and videos
  • Recognizing patterns or objects
  • Spotting something that doesn't look right

With the right care, these technologies can really improve no-code tools by 2024. But it's important to keep people involved in the process.

Future Predictions and Market Growth

The no code movement has been growing a lot, and it looks like it will keep getting bigger for years to come. Here's what might happen with no code development and how it could affect the market.

Projected Market Size

Experts think the market for no code platforms will grow a lot, with a yearly growth rate of over 40% from 2021 to 2030.

Year Projected Total Market Value
2024 $21 billion
2027 $45 billion
2030 $187 billion

A few reasons why this growth is expected:

  • There's a big need for making apps faster and cheaper.
  • Businesses want to change and get digital faster.
  • More people who aren't tech experts want to make their own solutions.
  • Companies need to keep up with changes in the market quickly.

Key Predictions

Here are some big ideas about what no code might do after 2024:

  • Mainstream Adoption: No code will become a normal part of how companies use technology. Most businesses will use it somehow.
  • Industry Disruption: No code will change the usual way things are done in many areas, like finance and manufacturing, by making it easier for anyone to come up with new ideas.
  • New Capabilities: Platforms will get better, being able to do more complex things like looking at data, working with AI, connecting to the Internet of Things (IoT), and using blockchain.
  • Citizen Developer Rise: By 2025, 80% of people using no code platforms won't be professional programmers. This means a lot more people can help make things.
  • Specialized Tools: There will be three times as many no code tools made just for certain areas like healthcare or banking to meet specific needs.
  • Enhanced Governance: Platforms will focus more on making sure things are secure and follow rules, using things like access controls, checking who does what, and automation.

The Road Ahead

No code is moving from being a new idea to a trusted way to make software. As platforms become stronger and more flexible, no code will change how businesses come up with new ideas and work in different sectors. While some specific coding jobs will always be needed, no code makes it easy for anyone to build apps quickly. This new phase brings more agility, saves money, and solves problems for companies looking to change and grow. Looking forward to 2030 and beyond, no code has a lot of promise as businesses include it in their tech plans.


The no code movement is really changing how we use technology in 2024 and beyond. Looking at the numbers, more than 65% of big companies are planning to use no code platforms. They're doing this because they want to make apps faster and cheaper, move their business into the digital world, and let more people make apps, even if they're not tech experts.

We're seeing no code tools get smarter by working with things like AI, the internet of things (IoT), blockchain, and other fancy tech. This means people can make complex and smart apps without needing to know how to code. There are also special no code tools being made for big areas like healthcare, making stuff, and handling money. These tools have parts that are ready to use and follow the rules of these industries, making it quicker to build apps that fit right in.

But, with all this growth, we also need to think about keeping things safe and making sure apps are made the right way. The top no code platforms are adding strong security features like better ways to check who's using the app, keeping data safe, and making sure only the right people can get to certain information. They're also making it easier to test apps to make sure they're fair and not biased.

In the end, no code makes it possible for both tech people and regular business users to make apps. It helps companies change quickly, come up with new ideas, and stay ahead. As no code gets even better, almost any idea can be turned into an app without running into tech problems. The easy-to-use and flexible nature of no code will lead to new and exciting solutions in many industries in 2024.

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